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Lower Calories, Longer Life  

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I continue to advocate controlling your calories and keeping the daily calories around 2,000 calories or less. Athletes need more, but the average person is not a professional athlete.

This study was done in animals, not humans, but the the science suggests that restricting the amount of calories we consume, while avoiding malnutrition, may extend lives and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

“Our data indicate that adult-onset moderate caloric restriction delays the onset of age-associated pathologies and promotes survival in a primate species,” wrote the researchers.

If you check your food labels, you will notice that it recommends 2,000 to 2,500 calories/day. In most industrialized countries, each citizen has about 4,000 calories available to them everyday.

Continue to eat your fresh fruits and vegetables and exercise frequently.

I'm getting ready for 2 weeks in Europe and I hope you have a great weekend!
all the best of health to you,
Dr. Luigi

Source: Science
10 July 2009, Volume 325, Pages 201-204
"Caloric Restriction Delays Disease Onset and Mortality in Rhesus Monkeys"
Authors: R.J. Colman, R.M. Anderson, S.C. Johnson, E.K. Kastman, K.J. Kosmatka, T.M. Beasley, D.B. Allison, C. Cruzen, H.A. Simmons, J.W. Kemnitz, R. Weindruch

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